Dorint An den Westfalenhallen – Dortmund

Hotel: Dorint An den Westfalenhallen

Type: Hotel

City: Dortmund, Germany
Address: Lindemannstrasse 88, 44137, Dortmund, Germany


Date Visited: July 2019


General Hotel Rating:

Trip Advisor: 4/5 8.7/10 8.6/10


Enuresis Friendly Rating (1 to 5): 4. See the Enuresis Friendly Rating System Explained.


Details of Stay and Recommendation:
I was due to travel to Dortmund where not going was not an option, so had to book a hotel but preferably one that were able to have a waterproof mattress protector fitted. I’d emailed quite a few hotels with all replying that they weren’t able to help, with this hotel being the only one that didn’t respond. As hotels were booking up quickly due to a convention that week I needed to book something so went with this hotel requesting in the booking section if a waterproof protector could be fitted, and that I had emailed previously but hadn’t received a response. I then had a reply apologizing for not replying to my original email and not sure why it was missed, and that it was not a problem in that they would have a waterproof protector fitted to the bed before I arrived. The anxiety for the trip disappeared immediately.

When I arrived to check in nothing was mentioned about the protector, but decided I’ll check the bed myself when I got to the room and then call down if necessary. When I got to the room they had arranged two single beds that were pushed together with both fitted with the waterproof protectors (I’m assuming they only had single bed protectors so improvised like this). The bedding layers were: mattress, waterproof pad with plastic protector on top, sheet. The beds were comfortable, I was there for four nights, and although I had the normal issues I have overnight the protection I was wearing held and didn’t require any changes in bedding.