Medications for Bedwetting?

I am in the process of compiling some of list of different medications available for bed wetting. I have tried my share in my days, but I would be interested in hearing what other people have tried, and for what symptoms. 

This is by no means intended to replace a proper diagnosis with a medical professional, but last time I went to see my urologist, they prescribed me something new to try. This was a medication which I’d never heard of before, and while it didn’t work as compared to what I normally use, it did remind me that it’s good to check in and see what else might be popping on the market given ongoing research.

I would love to hear from you, my long suffering reader, as to your experiences with medication, if you are willing to share. Please email me ( to share.

Thanks and safe travels!

2 thoughts on “Medications for Bedwetting?

  1. BedwettingScientist

    I use ditropan xl for overactive bladder during the day. I am autistic and already am on a lot of antidepressants and ADD meds which make me very thirsty and so does ditropan. I’m also on several meds for severe asthma so all these meds make me sleep very heavily. I take so many meds I’ve lost count, I’m only 24 and taking as many pills as an old lady but you gotta laugh at yourself.

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